Date fields in power pages
If you want to work with date controls in Dynamics Portals (also known as power pages), you can use the Liquid templating language to display and format dates. For date fields in portals.
Changing the date format in Dynamics Portals
Step 1: Navigate to Portal Management in the dashboard.

Step 2: Click on Site Settings.

In site settings, check “DateTime/DateFormat” in the Name field. If a record is found, then open the record and edit the Value field to the desired date format string.
i.e. dd/MM/yyyy

If no record is found:
Click +New to create a new record. Under the General tab, enter:
Name: DateTime/DateFormat
Website: Your Portal Name
Value: enter date format, i.e., dd/MM/yyyy
Step3: Click on save
Set and Get date filed values
GET/SET field values using JavaScript in Dynamics CRM Portals/Power Portals/Power Pages – Siddaka
Restrict Past dates and feature dates in power pages
To restrict past and future dates on Power Portals (Dynamics 365 Portals), you would typically need to use custom JavaScript code to implement this functionality.
Past date:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#new_date") // input control (Field Id)
.next() // the date picker container
.data("DateTimePicker") // the date picker object
.minDate(moment()); // force the past, and In Portals moment JS Library is included.
Feature Date
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#new_date") // input control(Field Id)
.next() // the date picker container
.data("DateTimePicker") // the date picker object
.maxDate(moment()); // force the past, and In Portal's moment JS Library is included.
How to trigger onchange Event of DatePicker using Jquery in Power Portals
$("#new_date").next().on("dp.change", function(event) {
console.log("Date picker change event",event);
How to Disable dates in the date picker using Jquery in Power Portals
To disable specific dates in a date picker using jQuery in Power Portals (Dynamics 365 Portals), you can follow these steps
$('#new_date').next().data("DateTimePicker").disabledDates([moment("08/28/2023"),moment("08/30/2023")]); // Pass dates into array
How to Disable Weekends in Datepicker using Jquery in Power Portals
If you want to disable weekends (Saturday and Sunday) in a date picker using jQuery in Power Portals, you can follow these steps:
//Day of the week start. 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)
It isn’t a secret that Portal uses a lot of libraries and UI bits to render effects( like Bootstrap 3, jquery, moment js etc). In the case of the date fields, there’s a library as well- Bootstrap 3 Datepicker V4. For more options for the date picker, refer to the below link.
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